As you may know, Jagmeet Singh recently announced that the NDP has ended its agreement with the Liberals. The Conservatives have stated they will push for a non-confidence vote as soon as possible. For an election to be triggered, not only would Mr. Singh and his caucus need to side with the Conservatives, but the Bloc would also have to join them. However, the Bloc see this as an opportunity to make gains for Quebec. Regardless of the outcome, we need to pray. We often pray when an election is called, but it’s crucial to keep praying for our Members of Parliament before, during, and after, whether they were your choice in the election or not. Let’s pray for wisdom, revelation, boldness, and the courage to stand for truth and righteousness. We encourage you to continually lift up your Member in prayer.
Pray without Ceasing
14 September 2024
by National House of Prayer
Current Parliamentary News