Answers to Prayer

Answers to Prayer

Every week we receive reports of good news and answered prayer. Enjoy these praise reports from across Canada, showing that our God reigns and listens to the petitions of His people.

“What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?”

Romans 8.31-32

A 20-year problem is remedied after two weeks of prayer

Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan has only 5,300 inhabitants, but still had a severe homelessness problem that perplexed the community—what to do? The homeless had nowhere to go and could be seen walking around the town all night to stay warm. Then they’d go to a drop-in soup kitchen when it opened for a meal and fall asleep in their chairs.


Fifteen people from the local church—part of our Canopy of Prayer school—began to pray together. Within two weeks, a CBC reporting team was sent 300 kilometres northwest of Saskatoon to do a story on this small town’s problem. It got people’s attention across the province.


They kept praying. The community became fully engaged. Two weeks later a temporary shelter was erected. They knew it wasn’t enough but were encouraged and thus prayed more.


Then a local man committed $20,000 for a building, and another matched that with a $20,000 donation for renovations. Then the utilities were covered by the first donor. A groundswell of community generosity put them over the top and got the attention of government—first the City of Meadow Lake gave $10,000 per month for five months, and then the province kicked in $48,000.


Today, the Meadow Lake Homeplate Shelter Coalition Corporation has been established to provide emergency shelter for the homeless as well as additional programming in addiction support—and it all happened through the power of prayer.

Buick B.C., 2023

My brother’s place was right in the line of one of the big fires. My sister-in-law sent a message—‘It’s coming fast, only God can save our house now.’ She was sitting in the neighbours’ field to the north of the fire. She said, ‘I don’t want to see this but I can’t leave.’ We were all praying fervently, and then it moved past the house and towards the neighbour’s house where the men fought valiantly to save both homes. Praise the Lord!

Buick B.C., 2023

People have been gathering in unity to help each other and fight the fires. One of the young guys was eager to help, so he just went out and bought pumps and gear and went. Then his boss and co-worker went to buy equipment and went too. These are men that are not even Christians leaving their work to fight the fire! People just wanted to help. The Driving Force, a vehicle rental place in town, made their fleet available to transport people to safety. Others are sending in food for the firefighters. It’s just awesome! God is doing something in the midst of all the trials and hardships!

Goodlow, B.C., 2023

In Goodlow, B.C., a 900-hectare fire broke out, then jumped to 1,900 hectares three hours later, and became a roaring tsunami of 19,000 hectares by 11.00PM.

If it had continued at that rate, we would have had it at our place by morning. We were praying fervently, and the men fought ferociously, and there was victory! One couple’s house they said could not be saved lest God did a miracle. People were notified to pray far and wide while about 130 to 150 people fought to save the home. Forestry officials later said to the locals who fought it, ‘You did what wasn’t possible’. He said that it was a category 6 fire and that they typically pull out of category 4 fires. They saw the power of God working in the situation.

Cleardale, Alberta, 2023

Last summer severe fires broke out on either end of this Mennonite community in northwest Alberta close to the British Columbia border. After containing one, the other erupted at the far end of town, threatening the hamlet’s homes. The local men and teenage boys fought to save the homes. Incredibly, these properties were saved. Miraculously, so was the big tire shop full of tires and several big fuel tanks right across the road from the raging fire! Despite these two fires raging through the community, only six homes were lost in all.  

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God”

Philippians 4.6-7