The 2010 Political Games

16 February 2010

by National House of Prayer

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  1. Prime Minister Stephen Harper is in Haiti today.  He’s there to pledge continued aid for the nations long recovery.  Before leaving Canada, he had an interview with NBC’s The Today Show, where he promoted Canada’s love of hockey.
  2. Yesterday was Quebec Day, and the opening of the Quebec House for the Olympics.  The premier of Quebec, Jean Charest, was in attendance for last nights medal ceremony.
  3. Heritage Minister Rob Moore made comments in an interview about his “disappointment” with the lack of French during the opening ceremonies.
  4. Both the Bloc Québécois and NDP have abstained from attending the Olympics.
  5. A poll released today shows the Conservatives at 34%, the Liberals at 30%, the NDP at 18%, the Bloc at 9%, and the Green Party at 8% As the Olympics continue may we not forget to pray for our politician’s.  During this time they will be extremely busy, and as always will be working with high expectations and high levels of stress.  Pray for all parties and their leaders.  Pray that this time, during the Olympics, would be used effectively.  Pray that partisanship would be laid aside, and that each Member of Parliament would promote Canada, and its people, first and foremost.

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