Prayer Points – October 2017

05 October 2017

by National House of Prayer

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Prayer Points from the National House of Prayer in Ottawa for October 2017


from the

National House of Prayer

“The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; 

he frustrates the plans of the peoples. The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of his heart to all generations.” 

– Psalm 33:10, 11


The best counsel which could be given to those who are serving Canada in public office is found in an inscription above one of the doors in the Official Opposition board room in the Centre Block of Parliament.

It reads:


Pray for your government

  1. Pray that a reverence for God pervades the atmosphere on Parliament Hill, impacting all those who walk those halls.Pray for the church
  2. Pray that the church would be reignited with a healthy fear of God which drives us to our knees in dependence on Him and draws us to his presence in humility and fresh passion.Pray for NHOP
  3. Pray for increased anointing upon our lives, that the tangible presence of God would be felt by others as we walk the halls of Parliament and speak with Parliamentarians and staff.


Every Wednesday morning when Parliament is in session, a group of MPs and Senators from across party lines gather together on Parliament Hill to pray. They meet in Room 602 in Centre Block (pictured to the right) where their politics are checked at the door and nothing shared leaves the room. Pray for our parliamentarians

Pray that this time would be filled with the tangible presence of God, impacting and refreshing those who gather.

Pray that testimonies of true fellowship and answered prayer during these times would draw many more to participate.


Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in his commandments! His offspring will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed. – Psalm 112:1, 2

  1. Pray for a time of significant impact and supernatural shift in the nation. 
  2. Pray for renewal in the church leading to revival.
  3. Pray for a transformation in society in Canada.

New NDP Leader

  1. Pray that he would lead wisely, in a way that strengthens the nation of Canada.
  2. Pray that he would lead respectfully, and that we will see a continued shift away from personal attacks and towards more statesman-like leadership.

The Legalization of Marijuana

The government intends to legalize marijuana for recreational use by July 1, 2018.  The House of Commons Standing Committee on Health, which just finished its study on this Bill (Bill C-45) heard from 108 witnesses and received 115 briefs during its hearings. Many very credible voices urged the committee to slow down in order to prevent a disastrous situation after legalization. Others urged the committee to not proceed with legalization, as legalization will result in normalization, which will increase youth usage.

  1. Pray for voices to arise from each political party who will speak out against this legislative agenda.
  2. Pray for the Official Opposition, which is united against this Bill, to have godly wisdom and clarity as they press against it.


2. Bill C-46: Changing the laws concerning drug impaired driving Bill S-208: The “no spanking” law 4. Bill C-277: Palliative Care Framework 5. Bill C-51 (Clause 14): Removing Criminal Code protection for religious assemblies

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