House of Commons passes C-11 and sends it back to the Senate.

31 March 2023

by National House of Prayer
Current Parliamentary News

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Bill C-11 is the proposed “Online Streaming Act” in Canada. It has been sent back to the Senate for further review as of March 30, 2023.

Bill C-11 proposes to strengthen privacy protections for Canadians and to create a new framework for regulating online platforms, including social media companies and online streaming services. The bill also includes provisions related to data portability and user control over personal information.

One of the main concerns is that the bill’s proposed provisions related to regulating online platforms, including social media companies and online streaming services, could be overly broad and could potentially limit free speech and expression. Some critics have argued that the bill may give the government too much power to regulate online content and that it could be used to censor or limit access to certain types of content.

Another concern is that the bill may not go far enough in protecting Canadians’ privacy rights. Some privacy advocates have argued that the bill’s proposed privacy protections are not strong enough and that it may not adequately address issues such as data breaches, algorithmic bias, and online tracking.

The bill went back to the Senate with some changes to their amendments. If they decide to fight for their amendments, they will re-amend and send it back to the House of Commons for further debate. If they choose to accept it as it now stands, it will receive Royal Assent and become law.

You can reach out to your Senators to voice your concerns. Here is a list of Senators and the Provinces they represent. Just click on their photos to take you to their contact information.

  • Pray for the free speech warriors in the Senate like Senator Leo Housakos from Quebec that they would continue their diligence and tenacity in bringing the appropriate amendments to protect our charter of rights and freedoms as stated in section 2b of the charter.

“Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication.”

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