Minister Lametti has tabled a bill to delay until March of 2024 the expansion of the medically assisted death (MAID) law covering those suffering solely from a mental illness. What is concerning about this significant expansion of MAiD is that it is being introduced into a health care system that is already under extreme stress. Without proper systems in place to help the vulnerable, there is considerable risk that these Canadians will end their lives via MAiD because they feel they have no other options. We are thankful that Lametti’s eyes were open to this problem. We must continue to ask our MPs to stop the expansion of MAiD to Canadians with mental illness alone. Thank God for another year to continue to hammer this in prayer and to continue to press our MP’s.
Delay the expansion of the medically assisted death (MAID) until March of 2024
27 February 2023
by National House of Prayer