November Prayer Targets

21 January 2019

by National House of Prayer

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We will come to our knees by choice or by circumstance.

Its been said that there are 4 stages to Christian apathy

There is no need to do anything

There will come a time to do something

It’s too early to do anything

It’s too late to do anything

.. .If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will take place.

It will not be delayed Habakkuk 2:-3

Pray that as the church of Canada navigates a rapidly changing culture, that our primary response will be one of faith, trusting in him at all times …pouring out our hearts to him ; for God is our refuge. Rather than ‘wringing our hands in grief’, Christians would be noticed for our love and optimism as we keep our focus on Jesus. Ps. 62:8

Pray for the upcoming G20 Summit , Nov. 26 to Dec. 1 st 2018.

One of the main controversial issues being discussed at this mainly financial summit is regarding ‘ crypto currency’ which is a new electronic, or digital cash system. This is a major step towards seeing a global cashless society where people transact using centralized digital currencies.

Many other discussions at this summit lead to what appears to be an obvious posture of globalization, from agriculture; land ownership; sustainable workforce, education; sustainable food future; financing of universal health coverage; etc.

Ask God for great wisdom to guide our Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, and other Canadian leaders, in all their conversations and actions as they represent all Canadians .

Pray regarding Bill C-75 whic h will amend our Canadian law to reduce penalties for serious crimes in Canada. The Bill will receive a final vote this Thursday prior to moving to the Senate for consideration. We need to be vigilant in prayer for both our Members of Parliament as well as our Senators. To be effective, we need to engage ourselves in knowing the content of these proposed changes which will affect 131 offences which are now deemed to be criminal. for further info www.

Pray for Premier Doug Ford as he has chosen not to implement a resolution regarding the removal of gender identity as part of the revamping of the Ontario sex education curriculum. Delegates at the recent Progressive Conservative Convention voted in favour of the resolution being debated in next year’s policy gathering. Premier Ford will not accept this motion that could result in much discontentment in his own party.

Prayfor Canadians Christians to utilize the various avenues of civic engagement available in a free and democratic society. Recognizing that political policy affects all Canadians, our involvement in this arena should be seen as another aspect of loving and caring for our neighbour.

Pray for great grace and wisdom for organizations who are involved with defending the freedom of religion as guaranteed in our Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Pray for the lawyers in Alberta who are representing the independent schools of Alberta in an upcoming court appeal this December3. 

You are Invited

Join Dick & Joan Dewert,Bill Prankard

and Rob & Fran Parker February 15-17

at the Peace Tower Church in Ottawa.

Stand with our Provinces

Pray for the Alberta Elections

as for me and my household…

Scheduling for meetings this spring across the province has begun.

To locate a venue near you, or to host a

meeting contact:

Repentance and Apology

St. Louis Ship survivors in Ottawa

Several of the St. Louis survivors enjoyed a Watchmen for the Nations ~ Friends of the St. Louis reunion and reception which was attended by many of those who were participants in the first visit of the St. Louis survivors. In 2001 hundreds of christians gathered in Ottawa to repent for this past sin.

” The church in Canada, has been on a journey ~ owning our past that we might embrace our future. We realize the significance of the hour in which we live. God is moving throughout the world healing, redeeming and reconciling nations by His Spirit .” Annie Elliott

repentance 2001 Ottawa Apology 2018

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