- National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, Shawn Atleo who is suffering from contacting a norovirus and exhaustion. Without Mr. Atleo’s leadership, as the schisms within FN leadership increases, the risk of future agreements with the government could be ignored or rejected by native factions.
- Interim leaders Perry Bellegarde, the regional chief for Saskatchewan, and Jody Wilson-Raybould, the regional chief for British Columbia will be able to work with government to bring about consensus among the various chiefs.
- Unity amongst the FN leaders where there is fractures and failings and an unwillingness to honour the fairly elected National Chief Shawn Atleo.
- The Honourable John Duncan Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development would be anointed with wisdom and discernment to hear and to put into place an action plan that God would use to bless our host people.
- Prime Minister Stephen Harper to be given great wisdom and grace to regain trust and confidence of FN leaders. That there would be an atmosphere to hear from all FN peoples, including those who do not agree with how they are being represented by the Idle No More movement. 2. Truth I’m sure that most of us have seen the news reports of some of the appalling conditions that many face in living in particular reserves in Canada. I have personally witnessed these and many other real needs among the various FN reserves. There are so many examples of need, from the high level of suicide among FN teenagers; drug abuse and addictions; the abuse and rape of FN women of our land and the apparent lack of interest and support from various communities. Pray:
- All governments, federal and provincial, will do and provide all they can to help and change these inexcusable conditions.
- That full disclosure of any finances received by the various FN groups and communities would be properly accounted for.
- That the people who actually need the assistance would not lack by someone else’s poor management.
- That within Canada we would not find prejudices against any First Peoples and vice-versa.
- That God would raise-up those within the FN communities who would strategically minister the love of Christ to the on-going needs around them. “Whoever oppresses a poor man insults his Maker, but he who is generous to the needy honors him.” Proverbs 14:31 3. Lawful and Peaceful Demonstrations Emotions are running extremely high over this issue from right across our country. This is being seen not only among those demonstrating, but also from those affected by these protests. People calling in to a radio talk show here in Ottawa are basically saying, “Enough is enough”. Idle No More are saying that they plan to interrupt and bring Canada to its knees economically until their demands are met. By running illegal blockades to trade routes, blocking the highways to the Alberta Oil Sands, etc. they are revealing that they are tired of dialogue and want action. Government would find itself in a very vulnerable place if they were perceived to bow to these illegal demands verses the right course of action in sitting at the table with the proper elected leaders of the FN. Former Occupiers, eco-activists, and even alleged left-wing terrorists according to an article by Sarah Boesveld in today’s National Post are even fuelling this situation. Pray:
- Wise minds would prevail in helping to extinguish any hot tempers and unhelpful actions.
- No one would become injured or worse as a result of these blockades and protests.
- Those authorities would be able to exhibit great grace and restraint in dealing with these protests and blockades.
- The rule of law and order would be upheld in our land.
- God heal Canada. “Be a good citizen. All governments are under God. Insofar as there is peace and order, it’s God’s order.” Romans 13:1 (The Message) I have not tried to offer answers to all that we are facing with this issue. I’ve tried to share my heart and a fair and just way to pray for all those who are involved. Blessings, Rob Parker
Prayer – Points for “Idle No More”
21 January 2013
by National House of Prayer