The “Big If” challenge is to form a year of unbroken prayer across Scotland, for what we believe is the first time in the nation’s history. Momentum is building as churches and groups commit to taking 24-7 days, weeks, & weekends of prayer and pass the baton around the nation.Our aim is to build the prayer capacity of the local church, and see individuals have a fresh intimacy with God. Already many reports are coming in of answers to prayer, lives and communities impacted & transformed. The young and the old have all been involved. Join in the 24-7 prayer revolution. You can check the prayer calendar and book a free day or week for your church or you can add to a week that already has a group praying.Help make it happen. Transform your church and community.
“The Big If” – a year of continuous prayer in Scotland
05 September 2010
by National House of Prayer