A Simple Way to Pray a Scripture Passage – Norm Allen

30 August 2010

by National House of Prayer

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A Simple Way to Pray a Scripture PassageThis is simply a process of taking time to hear a passage of scripture uncritically and non-analytically. We are to become passive in the presence of the sound of the words. As we hear ourselves reading the words aloud, we listen for “a word from God”.That word becomes the word on which we will take time to meditate and hear God speak to us.The word we leave with is a gift for the day to take with us. We are reminded by that word of the presence of God in our lives.Here are four recommended steps to help in listening prayer;READ ALOUD – I read and listen to the Word of God. I listen for a special “word” from God in the passage. What word or phrase catches my attention?MEDITATE – I ponder, reflect, and let my mind roam freely over the “word” I have been given. Don’t analyze just see where the word takes you in thoughts about God and your life.VERBALIZE – I speak to God in prayer with my thoughts and responses to “the word”. I have a good chat with God about whatever is on my mind at this time.REFLECT – I “taste”, sit still, in the presence of God. Is there a thought or feeling I have at the end of this experience? Check out the many other resources at Touchstone.

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