John 1:14 says, “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” Or, as The Message paraphrases it, “The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood .”MoveIn is about copying Jesus’ example (Phil. 2:5-7) by literally moving in to the neighbourhood. The MoveIn movement has really flourished since its beginning’s a few years ago. These MoveIn communities have developed in some of the poorest neighborhoods in Hamilton, Toronto and Ottawa. In fact, just around the corner from the National House of Prayer is a MoveIn community. If you’ve ever been to NHOP, you’ll quickly realize that we’re situated very close to one of the poorest neighborhoods in Ottawa. There’s a lot of poverty, social housing and a large immigrant population, but what a better place for the Gospel to shine? As a nationally focused ministry it’s sometimes difficult to interact on the community level. So, thank God, we’re part of a Body with many different parts and purposes which, if we’re doing it right, all lead to the greater purpose, the message of Gods Kingdom come. If you’re interested in MoveIn, and the idea of intentional community’s than check out their website for more info.
“It is brilliant what God is doing through MoveIn. This concept of downsizing and moving right into some of the more unreached communities among us and, through prayer and action, to reach them for Christ – all in the context of the needs of the whole world – I praise God that this is happening, and I would challenge you to consider doing this yourself.” – K.P. Yohannan , Founder, Gospel for Asia, May 4, 2009