Revealing the Dark World of Sex Trafficking

27 July 2010

by National House of Prayer

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Nefarious is a controversial documentary exposing the undercurrent of injustice beneath the surface of sex-tourism. Millions of women and children around the world are increasingly becoming the expendable pawns of a burgeoning business catering to the demand for illicit sex. These women and children are dehumanized and exploited while mainstream culture remains complicit in their demise. Benji Nolot goes undercover to reveal the plight of the exploited and uncover the hypocrisy and complicity of cultures around the world that foster this industry, as well as offer an unexpected hope for comprehensive change. One of the results of prayer is that we’re imbued with Gods heart.  As we pray we are transformed, growing into the likeness of Gods character.  Thus prayer should ultimately lead to hearts of compassion and mercy, but also hearts that yearn for justice and despise injustice.

“Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?” Is. 58:6

When it comes to human trafficking we should most certainly have a response.  When vulnerable people are abused, bought and sold, it should stir something within us.  What should our response be?  The call is to be light, to expose the deeds of darkness, but also to shine the way to freedom; lighthouses that beckon people into lives of freedom through Christ.

Jesus ate with tax collectors and sinners.  He touched lepers and adulterers.  It was the love of Jesus that ministered to these people.  What will dismantle the porn industry in Las Vegas, or sex trafficking in the Philippines?  The love of Jesus expressed through you and I. Check out the Nefarious: Merchant of Souls website here. Check out the Exodus Cry Canada website here.

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